
Translation workshop with the participation of poet Małgorzata Lebda - 22.03.2024

Tomorrow, students will have the opportunity to participate in a translation workshop on poetry and literary works, whose main ...

A new book in the Conferenze series: "Perché la Polonia. Storie e biografie di personaggi noti e comuni legati alla terra polacca"

We place in your hands the publication Perché la Polonia. Storie e biografie di personaggi noti e comuni legati alla terra polacca, which is the first...

Translation workshop with the participation of poet Krystyna Dąbrowska - 18.03.2024

The next phase of the project "The feminine side of poetry, or through poems to language," subsidized by the ...

Call for scientific publications - conference "Cryptograms of Ingeborg Bachmann"

Until April 19 this year. The Scientific Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna is accepting abstracts for publications on Ingeborg Bachmann, a prominent Austrian poet and ...

Meeting with Vittorio Gaeta on the book "Oltre la storia. Giovanni Paolo II, Solidarity e la fine del comunismo"

During a meeting with Vittorio Gaeta, author of Oltre la storia. Giovanni Paolo II, Solidarity e la fine del comunismo we talked about ...

Summary of the meeting with Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno

The first meeting in March with Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno of Università di Macerata was dedicated to Adolf Berger, an excellent expert on the law ...

COST PHOENIX Conference Summary

We ended February with a mid-term conference on the COST project "PHOENIX: Protection, Resilience, Rehabilitation of damaged environment", with ...

COST PHOENIX Conference: Protection, Resilience, Rehabilitation of damaged environment

As early as February 29, the Center will host one part of a two-day conference on the "PHOENIX: Protection, Resilience, ...