
Below you can see a list of all entries, articles and information published during the project "The feminine side of poetry, or through rhymes to language".

From the pages of the Polish Academy of Sciences:

The feminine side of poetry, or through poems to language

Stacja PAN w Rzymie, wspólnie z Instytutem Studiów Europejskich, Amerykańskich i Międzykulturowych Uniwersytetu „La Sapienza”, Centrum Polonistycznym Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego, Katedrą Polonistyki i Przekładu na Wołyńskim Uniwersytecie Narodowym imienia Łesi Ukrainki i Instytutem Badań Literackich rozpoczyna realizację projektu „Kobieca strona poezji, czyli przez wiersze do języka”. Dysponujemy także wsparciem projektowym Instytutu Polskiego w Rzymie i Biblioteki na Koszykowej. Projekt realizowany jest w ramach programu Promocji Języka Polskiego Narodowej Agencji Wymiany Akademickiej… (czytaj dalej)

Implementation of design workshops 20-22.11.2023

Over the past few days, Polish Studies students from Lithuania, Ukraine and Italy took part in a series of events and activities related to the project "The Feminine Side of Poetry, or Through Poems to Language"... (read more)

About the project "The feminine side of poetry, or through poems to language" - a report by Prof. Regina Jakubėnas for the Polish Studies Bulletin

The following is a post from the Polish Studies Bulletin website, in which Prof. Regina Jakubėnas of Vilnius University shares her impressions of the project events that took place in Rome on 20-22.11.2023... (read more)

Materials from the opening of the exhibition "Szymborska e il mondo-collage" appeared in the TV magazine "Caput mundi, or navel of the world."

10.12.2023 aired another episode of Urszula Rzepczak's magazine entitled. "Caput mundi, or navel of the world". It included materials from the opening of the exhibition "Szymborska e il mondo-collage", which was part of the events related to the "Women's side of poetry" project... (read more)

"There are no roads other than the way to get there..." - On the promotion of the Polish language in Rome

How best to learn about the Polish language? How to show its beauty, capacity, ambiguity? The Polish Academy of Sciences Center in Rome has found a way to do this. The project "The Feminine Side of Poetry, or Through Poems to Language" will last a year, and a number of interesting events are planned.
Three Polish poets are the focus of the project: the irreplaceable Wisława Szymborska, the incredibly sensitive Krystyna Dąbrowska and the unconventional Małgorzata Lebda... (read more)

March with "The Feminine Side of Poetry"

In the second half of March, as part of the Women's Side of Poetry, or Through Poems to Language project, another workshop will be held for students from Italy, Lithuania and Ukraine. Poets Krystyna Dąbrowska and Małgorzata Lebda, whose works will be translated from Polish into the national languages of the students: Italian, Lithuanian and Ukrainian, have announced their presence... (read more)

Translation workshop with the participation of poet Krystyna Dąbrowska - 18.03.2024

The next phase of the project "The Feminine Side of Poetry, or Through Poems to Language," subsidized by the National Agency for Academic Exchange, will begin next week. Students will have the opportunity to participate in translation workshops on poetry and literary works, led by Polish poets Krystyna Dąbrowska (18.03.2024) and Małgorzata Lebda (22.03.2024)...(read more)

Translation workshop with the participation of poet Małgorzata Lebda - 22.03.2024

Tomorrow, students will have the opportunity to participate in a translation workshop on poetry and literary creativity, with Małgorzata Lebda as the main guest. The event will be held both in-studio and online. As a continuation of Monday's (18.03.2024) workshop, participants will have a chance to hear from Małgorzata Lebda about her work, inspirations and ask questions related to her poetry...(read more)

Meeting with the poet of brass tacks - project workshop 18.03.2024

On March 8, within the framework of the project "The Feminine Side of Poetry, or Through Poems to Language," another workshop was held for students from Italy, Lithuania and Ukraine. The creative output of Krystyna Dąbrowska was presented by Prof. Luigi Marinelli. He paid particular attention to the interesting titles of her poetry volumes: White Chairs, Time and Aperture, signaling the author's artistic, painterly view of the reality presented...(read more)

The story of returning home - design workshop 22.03.2024

On March 22, as part of the project "The Feminine Side of Poetry, or Through Poems to Language," a workshop was held for students from Italy, Lithuania and Ukraine with the participation of Małgorzata Lebda. The meeting, which was held in hybrid mode, was led by Professor Monika Wożniak and La Sapienza University doctoral student Serena Buti...(read more)

From other sources:


Project "The feminine side of poetry, or through poems to language"

Stacja PAN w Rzymie, wspólnie z Instytutem Studiów Europejskich, Amerykańskich i Międzykulturowych Uniwersytetu „La Sapienza”, Centrum Polonistycznym Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego, Katedrą Polonistyki i Przekładu na Wołyńskim Uniwersytecie Narodowym imienia Łesi Ukrainki i Instytut Badań Literackich PAN rozpoczyna realizację projektu „Kobieca strona poezji, czyli przez wiersze do języka”… (czytaj dalej)

In arrivo il workshop internazionale di traduzione!

Prosegue il progetto "Il lato femminile della poesia": Lunedì 20 novembre in mattinata all'Accademia Polacca delle Scienze di Roma si svolgerà il workshop internazionale con la partecipazione di studenti italiani, polacchi, ucraini e lituani, dedicato alle traduzioni di Wisława Szymborska... (read more)

Leggiamo, traleggiamo, traduciamo

I primi incontri con gli studenti italiani che partecipano al nuovo progetto Nawa si sono svolti all'insegna di Szymborska, in anticipazione al workshop internazionale e all'evento Szymborska 20-22 Novembre. Dopo aver analizzato alcune poesie della Nostra e le loro traduzioni abbiamo deciso di proporre la nostre versioni del testo di Pietà dal volume "Uno spasso"... (read more)

Lenkų filologijos studentės dalyvavo tarptautiniame projekte "The feminine side of poetry, or through poetry to language".

2023 m. lapkričio 19-23 dienomis VU lenkų filologijos studentės Justyna Tankeliun, Dominyka Matuliauskaitė, Karolina Bartoško ir Beata Gulbicka kartu su doc. dr. Regina Jakubėnas dalyvavo tarptautiniame projekte "The feminine side of poetry, or through poetry to language". Projekto I-asis etapas vyko Lenkijos mokslų akademijos atstovybėje Romoje(Accademia Polacca), La Sapienza universitete ir Lenkijos institute Romoje... (read more)

Ricordando l'evento Szymborska...

Dal 20 al 22 novembre gli studenti provenienti da Italia, Ucraina e Lituania hanno partecipato a workshop di traduzione e ad altri eventi legati alla celebrazione dell'anno di Szymborska da Roma. Dell'iniziativa ha parlato anche la televisione polacca: programma TVP info... (read more)

About the project "The feminine side of poetry, or through poems to language."

On November 20-23, 2023, four female students of Polish philology at Vilnius University: Justyna Tankeliun, Dominyka Matuliauskaitė, Karolina Bartoško and Beata Gulbicka, together with the lecturer-author of this text, took part in the first stage of the project The Female Side of Poetry, or Through Poems to Language... (read more)

The feminine side of poetry, or through poems to language

Although the current year is still underway, we are already planning events for months ahead. One of the events will be a presentation of the results of the Women's Side of Poetry, or Through Poems to Language program. The program is carried out by the PAN Center in Rome in cooperation with... (read more)

Szymborska e: / international scientific conference

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Wislawa Szymborska 's birth, an international conference Szymborska e: . .. will be held in Rome on November 20-22. ...(read more)

Traduttori letterari in spe: ecco la vostra chance!

Stiamo per iniziare un nuovo progetto NAWA (progetti del governo polacco per la promozione della lingua polacca all'estero) intitolato "Kobieca strona poezji" (Il lato femminile della poesia). Il progetto prevede una serie di workshop di traduzione letteraria... (read more)