Call for papers - conference "Cryptograms of Ingeborg Bachmann"

Until April 19 this year. The Scientific Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna is accepting abstracts on Ingeborg Bachmann, a prominent Austrian poet and writer. Selected scholars will be able to present their research at a two-day conference dedicated to the author (June 13-14, 2024).

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Interdisciplinary perspectives: Bachmann readings and contemporary turns in the humanities;
  • Literature and trauma: psychoanalysis and the work of Ingeborg Bachmann;
  • Forms of presence: the presence of Bachmann's work in other cultural texts;
  • A comparative perspective: Bachmann in the context of other languages;
  • Translations of Bachmann's work;
  • Bachmann's presence in cultural texts: art, film, music;
  • Ingeborg Bachmann and multilingualism.

The texts should be written in German or English.

You can read more about the event here.

All interested parties can read the details of the rules for sending abstracts below.