
Opening of the exhibition "Nicolaus Copernicus - Life and Work / La vita e l'opera"

We cordially invite all interested parties to the official opening of the exhibition Nicolaus Copernicus - Life and Work / Niccolo Copernico - La ...

Conference on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of AIP - Associazione Italiana Polonisti

On 12-14.06 in Procida there is a double international conference organized on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Associazione Italiana ...

Promotion of the Polish Language - part 2.

The second part of the event "Culture and literature in the promotion of the Polish language in Italian universities" (25.05.2023) was held in the building of the Institute ...

Promotion of the Polish Language - part 1.

On May 25, 2023, in cooperation with the Polish Institute, the National Agency for Academic Exchange and the University of Silesia, the event "Culture and ...

Edu&Science Meeting

22.05. took place Edu&Science Meeting in Rome. During the event there was a meeting between NAWA and La Sapienza, and in the evening with the universities and ...

On international cooperation and gamma rays - a conversation with Prof. Sabrina Casanova

"I didn't expect how beautiful Krakow is," says in our May interview Prof. Sabrina Casanova, from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish ...

About the Polish language in Rome

Dear all, we invite all those interested in the Polish language to participate in two interesting meetings in Rome. Morning (hrs. ...

De Republica Institute Competition

For the second time, the De Republica Institute is holding a competition to support and promote talented young scholars conducting research in the field of ...