About the Polish language in Rome

Dear all, we invite all those interested in the Polish language to participate in two interesting meetings in Rome. The morning one (at 10 am) will be about communication, history and, above all, contemporary Polish poetry. The afternoon one (6 pm), on the other hand, will be devoted to comparative translation studies.

Both parts will be attended by Jaroslaw Mikolajewski, well known in Rome. In the morning part, in addition to Mr. Jaroslaw's beautiful stories about poetry, we also invite you to a communication workshop with Dr. Katarzyna Forst and a bit of common Italian-Polish history with Dr. Małgorzata Lorencka. The evening part, at the Polish Institute in Rome, will be a debate with Jaroslaw Mikolajewski, Prof. Monica Wozniak of La Sapienza and Lorenzo Costantino of the Polish Institute.

We invite you and assure you that it will be interesting.