
6th Edition of the Ulam NAWA Program - recruitment

The call for applications for the sixth edition of the Ulam program of the National Agency for Academic Exchange is now open. Applications are open to all scholars of foreign ...

"From landscape to sacred architecture". - conference 06.03.2024 - summary

On March 6, the conference "From landscape to sacred architecture" was held at the Center PAN in Rome. ...

2024 year of Polish presidency of the High Council of the European University Institute in Florence

The year 2024 is the year of the Polish presidency of the High Council of the European University Institute in Florence. The priority of the Polish ...

Polish Science Day

Today is the fifth time we celebrate Polish Science Day. It is a beautiful opportunity to thank all scientists for their efforts, their daily struggles, their ...

March with "The Feminine Side of Poetry"

In the second half of March, as part of the Women's Side of Poetry, or Through Poems to Language project, another workshop will be held for students from Italy,...

"Adolf Berger, una tragedia europea". - lecture by Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno

In two weeks, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno of the University of Macerata will give a lecture at the Center on Adolf Berger, a Polish lawyer ...

Summary of the meeting with the authors of the book "Italiano vero. Lexica włoska w polszczyźnie XXI wieku".

"Bank," "frill," "rocket," "archipelago," or the "carnival" that ended yesterday... All of these words found their way into modern Polish from the language ...

International Women and Girls in Science Day

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we wish all female scientists faith in extraordinary abilities, courage and skills ...