
International Women and Girls in Science Day

On the occasion of International Women and Girls in Science Day, we wish all female scientists faith in the extraordinary possibilities, courage and ability ...

Embassy of Scientists 2024

09.02.2024, so on the eve of Women in Science Day and a few days before Polish Science Day, the Polish Embassy in Rome hosted Polish scientists and ...

The publication "From East to West. Women journeys in the early modern period to Italy (17th-18th centuries)".

Welcome to the article "Memorie dei viaggi di Maria Klementyna Sobieska Stuart da Innsbruck al Lazio settentrionale", written ...

Project "Il polacco dei giovani all'incrocio tra culture"

"Il polacco dei giovani all'incrocio tra culture" or "Young words at the crossroads of cultures". A linguistic journey that runs from Kielce, through Bari, Genoa, ...

Meeting with the authors of the book "Italiano vero. Lexica włoska w polszczyźnie XXI wieku".

On February 13, 2024, the Scientific Station of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome will be visited by Dr. Lukasz Jan Berezowski and Dr. Joanna Ciesielka from the University of Lodz. During the meeting ...

Seminario Copernicano 26.01.2024

On January 26, 2024, the Curia Iulia in Rome will host Seminario Copernicano, the closing conference of an exhibition on Nicolaus Copernicus entitled Copernico e la...

[CANCELLED] Lecture by Prof. Mark Konarzewski at Accademia dei Lincei

[EVENT CANCELLED / INVITATION NOT VALID]. In the second week of February this year, the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences Professor Marek Konarzewski ...

The book "Dante and Polish Writers: From Romanticism to the Present" edited by Prof. Andrea Ceccherelli

The book "Dante and Polish Writers: From Romanticism to the Present" examines the phenomenon of Polish Danteism in terms of heremeneutics. The chapters throw ...