
Third edition of the Conference with the Polish diaspora - Łukasiewicz Research Network

December 20, 2023 (15:30 - 20:00) Lukasiewicz Research Network is organizing the 3rd edition of the Conference with the Polish. This event is aimed at Polish ...


"Contatti artistici polacco-italiani 1944-1980" ("Polish-Italian artistic contacts 1944-1980") is the title of the third organized in recent ...

The feminine side of poetry, or through poems to language

Polish Academy of Sciences - Scientific Center in Rome, together with the Institute of European, American and Intercultural Studies at the University "La Sapienza," the Center ...

On international biomedical research - a conversation with Dr. Chiara L. Rinoldi

October's guest in our interview series was Dr. Chiara Lara Rinoldi of the Institute of Fundamental Technological Problems of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Dr. Rinoldi deals with ...

Premiere of the short film "Maria Skłodowska-Curie in Italy in search of radium"

"On July 30, 1918, at 3:30 in the morning, Maria Skłodowska-Curie got off the train at the station in Pisa..."- so begins the journey of our ...

Meeting with Prof. Piotr Salwa - 31.10.2023

On the last evening of October, our guests had the opportunity to meet with Professor Piotr Salwa - former director of the Center and currently one of the ...

Conference "The focus of Polish-Italian cooperation in the area of biomedicine" - 27.10.2023

A one-day conference was held at the Center on October 27, during which Polish and Italian scientists were able to share the results of their research with...

Exhibition "Copernico e la rivoluzione del mondo"

"Copernico e la rivoluzione del mondo" - an exhibition at the Curia Iulia, in the heart of Rome, curated by Dr. Francesca Ceci and Prof. Jerzy Miziołek....