"Contatti artistici polacco-italiani 1944-1980" ("Polish-Italian Artistic Contacts 1944-1980") is the title of the third conference organized in Rome in recent years on cultural relations between Poland and Italy in the 19th and 20th centuries. This year's edition focuses on the study of Polish-Italian artistic relations after World War II. 1944 is associated with the battle for Monte Cassino of General Wladyslaw Anders' Second Polish Corps. Along with his army, a group of artists arrived in Italy to study at Rome's Academy of Fine Arts and establish a Polish artistic community in the capital. The year 1980, on the other hand, is associated with the political changes taking place in Poland and the important Polish cultural events that took place in Italy, such as the Florence staging of Tadeusz Kantor's play Wielopole, Wielopole. More than 40 speakers from Poland and Italy will focus on various aspects of cultural exchanges between Poland and Italy that took place in the fields of art, architecture, film and theater precisely in the years 1944-1980. The speeches will cover both the Polish presence in Italy and the Italian presence in Poland.

The conference will be held on November 27-29, 2023. The organizers of the event are: Polish Institute for the Study of World Art in Warsaw, the Polish Academy of Sciences Scientific Center in Rome, working with the support of the University "La Sapienza" in Rome (Dipartimento di Studi Europei, Americani e Interculturali DSEAI and Cattedra di Lingua e Letteratura Polacca), the J. Z. Umiastowska Foundation of Rome and MLAC - Museo Laboratorio Arte Contemporanea.
