
Meeting with the authors of the books "Postcards from Rome" and "Man Needs an Island"

This Thursday, October 12, at 6:30 p.m., the Center will host a meeting about the books Postcards from Rome and Man ...

Triggering the change. Collective action in the landscape - 4.10.2023

Coming up on October 4 at 2 pm is an interesting initiative by La Sapienza doctoral students - a discussion "Triggering the change. Collective action in the lanscape" ...

Polish-Italian culture week in Bari - 7th edition

You are cordially invited to participate in the 7th edition of the event Polish-Italian Culture Week - Sun and other stars. The event will be held...

Summary of European Researchers' Night 2023

European Night of Scientists in Rome, and during it stories about Copernicus, Skłodowska-Curie and Polish-Italian cooperation. Our Center in conversation...

European Researchers' Night 2023

European Night of Scientists ahead! On the occasion of the "Night of Scientists" on Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30, from 18:30 to 23:00, the space of Città dell'Altra ...

Workshop "Copernicus and Italy 2023"

What did Copernicus have to do with Italy? What was the question of the heliocentric theory before and after the Polish astronomer's discoveries? How ...

On the image of Italy in the Polish media and teaching in Szczecin - a conversation with Dr. Angelo Sollano

He loves Poland and the Polish language, couldn't live without stuffed cabbage and cheesecake, and when he first arrived in Warsaw, he felt like he had been transported....

"About science in the heart of Rome" - interview with the director of the Center Agnieszka Stefaniak-Hrycko in the issue of "Gazzetta Italia"

The 100th issue of Gazzetta Italia features an interview with Agnieszka Stefaniak-Hrycko, director of the Center PAN in Rome, about Polish science in the heart of ...