The feminine side of poetry, or through poems to language

Polish Academy of Sciences - Scientific Center in Rome, together with the Institute of European, American and Intercultural Studies at "La Sapienza" University, the Vilnius University Polish Studies Center, the Department of Polish Studies and Translation at Volyn National University named after Lesa Ukrainka and the Institute of Literary Research, is launching the project "The Feminine Side of Poetry, or Through Poems to Language." We also have project support from the Polish Institute in Rome and the Library on Koszykowa Street. The project is being implemented under the Polish Language Promotion program of the National Agency for Academic Exchange.

The goal of the NAWA program is to promote the Polish language linked to elements of Polish history and culture. By financing projects that build the quality of education and the prestige of Polish as a foreign language, the Agency wants to have a lasting impact on the image of Poland in the world.

On the other hand, the "Women's side of poetry" is focused on encouraging students of philology, as well as university candidates, to take an interest in the Polish language, Polish culture, with a particular focus on contemporary Polish poetry. The focus of the project is on 3 poets: Wislawa Szymborska, whose 100th birthday we are celebrating this year, and two contemporary authors, Krystyna Dabrowska and Malgorzata Lebda.

Students from Italy, Ukraine and Lithuania involved in the project will be able to participate in the conference organized in November "Szymborska e:", which will include a series of interesting lectures and discussions, as well as the opening of the exhibition "Szymborska e il mondo-collage". It will be a chance for them to meet interesting figures, experts and... friends of Wislawa Szymborska, including Prof. Teresa Walas, Prof. Michał Rusinek and Prof. Wojciech Ligęza.

The first chord of the project will be a series of meetings of students in Rome. They will participate in a workshop prepared by Prof. Andrea Ceccherelli, "Nothing Twice. On the essence and practice of translation" on the example of Wislawa Szymborska's poetry. They will also have the opportunity to learn how to prepare podcasts to promote the Polish language and learn about Polish traces in Rome (a walk through Rome "In Polish Traces"). In addition, they will participate in a conference dedicated to Szymborska.

At the second stage of the project, in March next year, students will become more familiar with the works of Krystyna Dabrowska and Malgorzata Lebda. They will also have the opportunity for a hybrid meeting with the poets. This will make it easier for them to work on translations of the poets' poems, as the third important element of the project will be the preparation of a volume of poetry with their translations into three languages: Italian, Ukrainian and Lithuanian.

The project will conclude with the promotion of a volume of poems and a photo exhibition of the entire project in Rome, Vilnius, Lutsk and Warsaw.

The head of the project is the director of the Rome-based the Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Agnieszka Stefaniak-Hrycko, while the students' supervisors and substantive support for the project are Prof. Monika Wozniak and Prof. Luigi Marinelli of La Sapienza, Prof. Svitlana Sukharieva of Volyn National University, Prof. Regina Jakubenas of Vilnius University and Ms. Mariola Wilczak of the Institute of Literary Research.

The implementers of the project, on the other hand, are three employees of the Center in Rome: Agnieszka Stefaniak-Hrycko, Malgorzata Blaszczak and Katarzyna Ellert.