Conferenze 146 - "Sulle orme di Ortensio Lando e altri studi" - new publication

We place in your hands the next, 146th volume of the publishing series "Conferenze" and invite you to read.

The present edition contains a series of critical essays on Italian literature, the first part of which is devoted to the work of Ortensio Lando, a rather enigmatic author active in the first half of the 16th century.His role and place in Italian literature of this period have not yet been sufficiently illuminated. His literary proposals are in many respects provocative against the main tendencies of the official culture of the period. In the second part, the publication is devoted to short narrative forms, especially the novella flourishing in Italy in the 14th-16th centuries, as well as works by lesser-known authors, which are a valuable source for the history of mentality and popular culture. The sketches are a summary of the research conducted by the author, Professor Piotr Salva, over the past 20 years.