
ChemistryViews article on the film "Maria Skłodowska-Curie in Italy in search of radium"

The ChemistryViews magazine website has published an article on the film "Maria Skłodowska-Curie in Italy in search of radium". The film, ...

Summary of the conference "Enhancement of nature-based solutions for sustainable agriculture and ecosystem health" 12.07.2024

Yesterday we met for the second time at a conference as part of a joint initiative between Accademia Polacca and CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche ...

Prof. Roman Slowinski accepted as Foreign Corresponding Member to the Academy of Sciences of the Bologna Institute

The Academy of Sciences of the Bologna Institute (L'Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna), founded in 1690, has a history dating back more than three ...

Summary of the first half of the year 2024 at the Center Scientific Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome

The first half of the year is over. We feel it especially, being in Rome, where the hot summer offers no respite. For our the Center it has been a period of ...

90th Anniversary of the Death of Marie Sklodowska-Curie

On July 4, 1934, or 90 years ago, Marie Sklodowska-Curie, an outstanding scientist, researcher specializing in experimental physics and chemistry, died ...

Polish-Italian workshop: enhancement of nature-based solutions for sustainable agriculture and ecosystem health | 12.07.2024

As part of the "Copernicus Dialogues," a joint initiative of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) and the Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome, the ...

EU TalentON 2024 competition

The University of Silesia is pleased to invite researchers, students and doctoral students from all European universities and institutions to participate in the EU ...

Meeting with Prof. Janusz Smolucha on the subject of Tomasz Dunin Szpot

Next Thursday (27.06.2024) Prof. Janusz Smolucha will give a lecture on Tomasz Dunin Szpot, a Polish Jesuit and missionary, active ...