
Project "Proper Names as Determinants of Culture (...)" funded by NAWA

We are pleased to announce that work has begun on the project "Proper Names as Cultural Determinants. Cultural and linguistic education and ...

Meeting with the poet of concrete - project workshop 18.03.2024

On March 18, as part of the project "The feminine side of poetry, or through poems to language," another workshop was held for students from Italy, Lithuania and ...

What does "odklejka" have in common with "tryhardare"? A study of youth language in Polish-Italian cooperation

Last fall, an international team of linguists from universities in Poland and Italy launched a research project called "Young Polish on...

Conference "Intelligenza artificiale - Rischi, opportunità e criticità".

And next week at the University of Catania an interesting debate on artificial intelligence with the participation of Italian scientists and.... Polish - Prof. Roman ...

Translation workshop with the participation of poet Małgorzata Lebda - 22.03.2024

Tomorrow, students will have the opportunity to participate in a translation workshop on poetry and literary works, whose main ...

A new book in the Conferenze series: "Perché la Polonia. Storie e biografie di personaggi noti e comuni legati alla terra polacca"

We place in your hands the publication Perché la Polonia. Storie e biografie di personaggi noti e comuni legati alla terra polacca, which is the first...

Translation workshop with the participation of poet Krystyna Dąbrowska - 18.03.2024

The next stage of the project "The feminine side of poetry, or through poems to language," subsidized by the ...